More Lapland pikes



Here is another great video from summer 2014 about pike fishing in northern Sweden. The title is loosely translated into ´Gold of Lapland´ (Norrlands Guld) which also happen to be the most famous local beer of northern Sweden. Sit back and enjoy some really inpressive pikes from clear water lakes under the midnight sun. Swedish language but english subtitles. 


Pike fishing northern Sweden



Here is a nice new movie about late season fishing for pike in norhern Sweden with Gäddfiske Norrland and their floating camp by river Råneälven. Enjoy the nice footage and fishing in swedish language only. 


Read more about the camp here:   


Camp Tjuonajokk short movie


A short movie showing the nice areas and fishing in the river Kaitumälven valley and camp Tjuonajokk.


Lapland guide service



German fishing magazine Fisch & Fliege visited J.L Guidning in Swedish Lapland this summer. Writer and photographer ElmarElfers spent a week in the are and fished for graylig, trout, salmon and pike with good result! 


More info here about J.L Guiding on >>>


The website of Fisch & Fliege >>>


Pike in Northern Sweden



In this video, Stefan "Trumman" Trumstedt visits Northern Sweden where he fishes for big, post-spawn pike - first in a big lake together with Jörgen Söderström and then in a big river with CWC Fishing Team member Jon Persson. Trumman also gives some good tips on how to rig the Pig Shad and Bandit Shad with shallow screw and also with the new Flexhead Pike.


First Jockfall - river Kalixälven salmons



The salmon season in northern Sweden / Swedish Lapland has started in grand style! River Kalixälven has delivered fish on both spin and fly, and pictured are head guide of Jockfall Fishing Camp mr Ronny Landin with a nice fish from today. 


More on Jockfall and river Kalixälven can be found here >>>


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